Is Your Website Ready for the Mobile Revolution?

The way we live is forever changed with each new advancement in technology, especially mobile technology.  Mobile technology is changing at a rapid pace and our responsibility is to keep pace with these changes.   As customers change how they use the internet and how they engage with business it is up to us to evolve as well. 

If you don’t believe in the theory of a mobile technology revolution it is time to take the blinders off and look around.  If you step outside and look around, you will see people everywhere using their smart phones in one form or another.  It is interesting to see the shift in internet use as we move from desktops to laptops and now into a world of mobile devices.  Each advancement in technology and how our access to it has changed end user interactions. 

Consider the following:

82% of us browse the internet on their phone

61% of us search with their smartphones each and everyday

94% of smartphone users look for local information and 84% take actions because of it

47% of us visit business or service websites

77% of us use our smartphones to research products and services

(Our Mobile Planet: United States of America. Understanding the Mobile Consumer. May 2013.

From the statistics above you can see that almost 50% of the visitors to your website are from smartphone users.  Problems arise when visitors seek out sites that are coded improperly and are not mobile responsive and therefore basically unusable when viewed on a smart device.  Websites that are not mobile friendly are still viewable on smartphones however are practically unable to be interacted with.  A non-mobile responsive site will show up as a micro version of itself. 

Users will only be able to garner information from zooming in and scrolling left to right on the text.  Website menus will be super tiny and frustrating to work with.  If your site is not programmed to be viewed correctly on mobile devices you could be losing upwards of 50% of your customers to the competitors who have already upgraded to a mobile responsive website design.  No user wants to scroll in and out on a website to gather information.  As advancements in technology shows us, end users are all about ease of use and convenience.  Mobile friendly, responsive website design is critical for the growth of your storefront and online business. 

To find out more on mobile responsive website design call the experts at Creative Programs and Systems, 810.224.5252.  We are an all-inclusive IT solutions company offering a wide range of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more.  More information can be found at

Just How Important is a Contact Page to a Website Afterall?

It’s obvious that your sites HOME page is the most important page of your web site design.  It is the landing page and will receive the most traffic of any of the pages within your website.  The second most important page, is often the most neglected when optimizing your site, can you guess what page we are talking about?  If you guessed the CONTACT page you are correct!  Consider the goal of most of the pages on your website are created for the sole purpose of getting clients to reach out to you in one way or another.  Yet the CONTACT page is most often the most underwhelming page on your website. 

Considering that most CONTACT pages have very little information on them other than a basic fill information form, an email address, phone number, and perhaps a physical building address.  Face it, that information can be a bit unenticing for website visitors.  Since the goal of the page is to reach out and touch base with you, it is important that this page persuades them to do so. 

Basic Contact Page Rules

Provide More Than One Method of Contact:

  • We have heard it over and over again that people hate being directed to fill out a standard, one-size fits all form on websites. We also get many businesses that don’t want to list their phone number because they don’t want to spend the day fielding phone calls.  It is crucial to the success of any company that they don’t focus too much on what they want but instead focus on the customer, CONTACT pages are made for your customers not you.  It doesn’t matter if you don’t want the phone number listed, if a customer prefers to call you then it is important they are able to easily do so.  Give your customers every option possible on your websites CONTACT page: include an easy fill form, an email, a phone number, a physical address, and any other method of contact that you know your customers desire. 

Invite Customers to Contact You:

  • Even if the CONTACT page seems self-explanatory it is important to note that for visitors to your site its not that simple. Your site must include a message that is welcoming and invites visitors to contact you with whatever method they are comfortable in doing so.  I hear it all the time, “Just go ahead and slap up a contact form, people will know what to do.”  Even though we can assume that visitors will see information to contact you, it is important to make them feel as if you are really waiting for them to reach out.  Otherwise visitors may see the form as an abyss,
    • We are happy you found us and look forward to hearing from you!”
    • “We are here to help, get in touch with us today and a representative will get back to you as soon as possible.”
    • “We value your questions and input, please reach out to us today.”

It doesn’t have to be anything fancy or elaborate, just a welcoming message that lets visitors know their information will be followed up on.

Use Something Other Than “SUBMIT”:

  • More than one study has been done that shows website traffic is more likely to send information if the text button says something other than “submit”. Be more specific and illicit action: “Let’s Get Started Today”, “Send Your Message”, “Get in Touch with Us Today”, or any other way to get the message across. 
Don’t Forget to Say Thanks:
  • A thank you page after visitors share their contact information with you is important for more than one reason. It not only allows you to keep track of conversions within Google Ads, it can also increase traffic to other pages on your site.  A well optimized thank you page should offer visitors suggestions on other areas of the site to interact with while they are waiting to hear from you. 

As the second most visited page to most websites, the contact page is an important aspect to remember when optimizing your company’s website.  With proper optimization to this single page you can increase contacts and isn’t that the reason we have websites to begin with, more contacts equal greater business opportunities. 

Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more.  More information can be found at

Custom Website Design for Growing Businesses

Business of all sizes can benefit from custom web design services.  Small businesses, or growing businesses as we prefer to call them are just one set of the many clients that we can help improve their online positioning and presence with a website customized to their unique business needs.  The professional web development team at Creative Programs and System understand the needs of growing businesses as we are a growing company ourselves. 

As a growing business we understand that expenses are everywhere and thus understand the importance of affordable services.  A website does not have to cost tens of thousands of dollars to be exceptional.  We are able and willing to work with small, independent business owners looking for an ecommerce site to sell their art and large scaled, international corporations. There are a number of companies that are not interested in working or designing websites for companies that are not looking to exhaust their budget on a website, which is most often a template anyway.  You won’t find that at CPS; we believe custom websites should be designed specifically with our clients wants and needs in mind.

Of course, there are more factors to who you hire to design your website than cost.  However, even if you don’t have a ten-thousand-dollar budget it is important to note you often get what you pay for when it comes to $500/cheap, template websites. You must understand what you are agreeing to before you sign a contract to design or re-design a website.  Some companies can offer low cost websites because they are purchasing templates and fitting your business needs into the template.  This is not the ideal type of site for most growing businesses. 

Additional services can add to the total budget needed for a new website.  If you are looking to add in services such as logo design, content creation, and in-depth search engine research and development it is important to note that these services are an additional fee above and beyond the initial design and development of your website.  If you are looking into additional services, it may be important to consider your site development in stages.

When you meet with professional website developers it is important to consider their professional advice.  Some fancy features may not be only be unaffordable, they may also detract visitors.  Flash, reverse type, awkward navigation, music, videos, and other special effects actual cause a distraction and have been proven over and over again to not add the expected value.  When planning your strategy online with a limited budget these are options to skip, even with an unlimited budget some of them should be avoided.

Your website should be all about your customers. It is easy to get swept up in what you think is desirable but in reality, the only thing that is important is what your customers want.  Remember, most customers are looking for information and outcomes.  If they want to purchase a new car, they are looking at your site for valuable information on the product and how to easily go about obtaining it.  All website design should consider what the customer is looking to obtain from it and be designed around this.

Content is a key element not only for your customers value but also for search engine rankings.  When creating content or having content created for your company it is important to take into consideration what your customers are looking for and how your content can answer this need. If your visitors find the information on your site reliable and useful they are more likely to become a customer over those that cannot find answers to what they are looking for.

Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more.  More information can be found at