The Latest’s Trends in IT Services to Grow Your Business In 2018

Managed IT Services

The information technology industry is an area that is important to every person in life and in business.  Some of the most viable trends in IT services revolve around electronic communications, advancements in security, website design and optimization, and managing IT services to maximize effectiveness.  IT services are now working to help create your personal, business, brand, and product identity.

IT and Website Design

The design of your IT infrastructure and online presence help to create a strong impression for your business.  The layout and graphic designs used for your business can leave an impact from the first interaction individuals have with your company.   One of the major challenges that can be seen in website design is grabbing the attention of your target audience and keeping them hooked on your brand.

This can be accomplished through a user-friendly layout tied together with unsurpassed graphic design.  It is crucial for your business to create the brand image so that the business stands out from their competitors and which helps them in establishing the identity.  Every business has its own strength and it is obvious that no business’s IT services or website design should mirror one another.

Website design is trending as it relays information from your business to your targeted audience. There are times when a thousand words cannot convey the information the way graphics can. The important role played here is of the graphic designer who designs the products package and label design in such a way that they convey much needed information. The elements within a design vary in size, color, products, and a variety of other factors.  Graphic design can prove to be the most useful tool to prove useful in conveying and communicating your business’s image.

Search Engine Optimization

Another trending service within the IT realm is regarding the online presence of your business.  Many companies specialize in IT consultants that specialize in search engine marketing.  Online marketing is needed for your websites visibility and the branding of your business.

When people search for the products and services they always keep an eye in the ranking of the site. There is also a good value when your site appears in the search engine results. Many people searching online never look past the first page of search results to find a company to work with.  It is crucial for your business to be successful that search terms that are relevant for your target audience pull up your business on the first page of all major search engines including: Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

As you attempt to grow your business and increase your online presence it is important to consult with a professional company that offers a full line of IT services to help you meet all of your business goals.

Learn more about Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, and the IT solutions they provide including IT consulting, computer consulting, network consulting, networking, server installation, IT disaster recovery, computer repair, virus removal, malware removal, computer tune ups, data backup systems, computer troubleshooting, structured cabling, low voltage wiring, website design, graphic design, logo design, website hosting, search engine placement, iphone app programming, android app programming, and custom programming at  To contact one of our IT experts call 810.224.5252 today or via email at 

The Latest’s Trends in IT Services to Grow Your Business In 2018

Managed IT Services

The information technology industry is an area that is important to every person in life and in business.  Some of the most viable trends in IT services revolve around electronic communications, advancements in security, website design and optimization, and managing IT services to maximize effectiveness.  IT services are now working to help create your personal, business, brand, and product identity.

IT and Website Design

The design of your IT infrastructure and online presence help to create a strong impression for your business.  The layout and graphic designs used for your business can leave an impact from the first interaction individuals have with your company.   One of the major challenges that can be seen in website design is grabbing the attention of your target audience and keeping them hooked on your brand.

This can be accomplished through a user-friendly layout tied together with unsurpassed graphic design.  It is crucial for your business to create the brand image so that the business stands out from their competitors and which helps them in establishing the identity.  Every business has its own strength and it is obvious that no business’s IT services or website design should mirror one another.

Website design is trending as it relays information from your business to your targeted audience. There are times when a thousand words cannot convey the information the way graphics can. The important role played here is of the graphic designer who designs the products package and label design in such a way that they convey much needed information. The elements within a design vary in size, color, products, and a variety of other factors.  Graphic design can prove to be the most useful tool to prove useful in conveying and communicating your business’s image.

Search Engine Optimization

Another trending service within the IT realm is regarding the online presence of your business.  Many companies specialize in IT consultants that specialize in search engine marketing.  Online marketing is needed for your websites visibility and the branding of your business.

When people search for the products and services they always keep an eye in the ranking of the site. There is also a good value when your site appears in the search engine results. Many people searching online never look past the first page of search results to find a company to work with.  It is crucial for your business to be successful that search terms that are relevant for your target audience pull up your business on the first page of all major search engines including: Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

As you attempt to grow your business and increase your online presence it is important to consult with a professional company that offers a full line of IT services to help you meet all of your business goals.

Learn more about Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, and the IT solutions they provide including IT consulting, computer consulting, network consulting, networking, server installation, IT disaster recovery, computer repair, virus removal, malware removal, computer tune ups, data backup systems, computer troubleshooting, structured cabling, low voltage wiring, website design, graphic design, logo design, website hosting, search engine placement, iphone app programming, android app programming, and custom programming at  To contact one of our IT experts call 810.224.5252 today or via email at 

When Should Updates Be Done On My Website?

Unfortunately, there is no right or wrong answer to this question on how often to do website updates because all sites are not created equal. There are content updates, application updates and site revises, and then the mother of all updates the site re-launch. I can’t over emphasize the importance of refreshing your website design with new content and upgrades and, yes, every so often you should redesign and re-launch your business website.

The updating frequency depends on several of factors.

When to change new content on your website or blog

The mission of each website is different and so are the updating requirements. For example, you can’t expect a corporate blog to be updated as often as a regular blog or a regular blog as often as a news or sports blog. We have put together 4 categories on website updating and blog management to better help you understand the differences between each site.

Outdated web design

If the design of your web site hasn’t been done since the 2000s, this is a good indicator it is past time to do a new design. With web technologies changing as fast as smart phones and TV’s, there are new ways to speed up your website and even rank better with Search Engine Optimization. With a custom coded website you can implement all your ideas and new tech to reach your target audience.

Category 1 – Sports / Fashion / Celebrity / Tech / Lifestyle / Financial / Newspaper / Magazines

For Websites or blogs that deal with trending topics related to sports, fashions and this category, updating with new information several times per day is crucial for their success. There is no limit to the number of updates and generally the more the better. This is because most of their visits are coming from people who have visited in the past, social media and Google news. Postings are usually short and to the point and contain a lot of images.

Category 2- Normal Websites / Blogs

In this category you expect to find personal web development blogs, how-to style blogs, informational blogs, wiki, marketing, weight loss, studies, analytics, travel tips, reviews and many more. In this, it is more than enough for 3 updates per week; there is no need to update daily unless of course you would like to do more.

Category 3 – Corporate Website / Blog

These are business websites that showcase a company and the products/services it is offering. They are among the most difficult types of websites to update frequently because once the initial setup has been made and information about the company is published, you don’t really need to publish anything again, unless new products get released. Then of course you would want to blog about it.

Category 4 – eCommerce Store

Content marketing is one of the most efficient ways to promote your online store and it is not more difficult than it sounds. You can publish Articles / Videos on how to use your products online, or detailed product reviews, announcement about new products, changes to existing products, special offers and upcoming events.

The answer is easy for when needing to update this style of blog. You always update when you have new high quality content to publish.

Why you should update your website quite often

SEO will Increase

Search engines love content and especially new content. They like to have long quality posts in their index to satisfy their users. A website that is updated regularly is crawled more often, has more pages in the index and more possibilities to boost SEO.

It amplifies social media

If you are using social media marketing to promote your blog many times the problem that destroys your effort is lack of content. Having a website that is updated on a regular basis will give you fuel for your social media promotions.

It’s good for your users

Websites are meant to serve users and giving users fresh content makes them happier. A happy user will most likely come back, convert, register, buy or recommend your website to other people.

Updating your website for users shows your business is still active.

We offer Web Design services in Brighton, Michigan and around Livingston County. We are Creative Programs and Systems! We have been designing custom websites before templates or wordpress were a thing! Make your company stand out with a custom web site. Call us today for a free quote at 810-224-5252 or visit our website at



Why Do I Need a Custom Website?

The internet has changed so much in the last few years, especially with mobile phones and tablets. In fact I only know one person with a flip phone! Everyone else is rocking a smart phone of some type. Having all these different screen sizes changes the way we build websites. This is why you need a custom website!

Responsive Web Design

If you want your web site to look good on mobile and tablets, you are going to want something called responsive design or commonly known as mobile friendly. This allows the site to “flex” to different screen sizes. This usually speeds up the development process of building websites, as we don’t have to build 2-3 different versions of the same website. If you ever seen a site and down in the footer (bottom of the page) it says “View full site” this is not a responsive site. I don’t think anything is wrong with that it usually just takes more time to build. Another good thing about this design process is Google loves mobile friendly websites. If you want to check to see if your site is mobile friendly you can use this neat little tool from Google.

Search Engine Optimization

Custom coded websites allow you to edit meta data for better SEO. If you are not sure what SEO is here’s a description taken from wikipedia. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a web search engine’s unpaid results—often referred to as “natural”, “organic”, or “earned” results.* A custom website also includes everything you need and nothing you don’t. Unnecessary code slows down your site. A lot of template or wordpress sites include a ton of options that you will never use, in return slows down the site. I know some people don’t think about page speed affecting anything, but Google does.


User experience

A custom designed website gives you full creative control, allowing you to create a great user experience and usability. Customers are less concerned about a pretty design, and more about how it functions. We at Creative Programs and Systems focus on both user experience and user interface. Whether a customer is looking for products to buy, information to read, or just browsing a photo gallery, you need your site to browse easy. If your customer has to hunt around for information, chances are they will push the back button and go to a competitor’s site.

Custom web sites are fitted to your brand

No one else will have your design! This is important for brand identity and setting you apart from the competition. You don’t want your site to look like everyone else, like a template will. That’s why we custom code every site, in house!

Learn more about Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, and the IT solutions they provide including IT consulting, computer consulting, network consulting, networking, server installation, IT disaster recovery, computer repair, virus removal, malware removal, computer tune ups, data backup systems, computer troubleshooting, structured cabling, low voltage wiring, website design, graphic design, logo design, website hosting, search engine placement, iphone app programming, android app programming, and custom programming at  To contact one of our IT experts call 810.224.5252 today or via email at


SEO What, SEO Who??

Search engine optimization or SEO for short helps you get noticed on the search engine results page. This allows potential customers to reach you. When they type in a word, the search engine pulls up relevant information. This would be called your “Organic” traffic, as you are not paying for the traffic like Pay-Per Click (Google Adwords). SEO is going to be your new best friend for reaching customers interested in your website.

Who needs SEO?

SEO is one of those things that every website can benefit from. It’s safe to assume that most website owners are utilizing SEO practices, and not even realizing it. Chances are if you have good quality content and it’s relevant to your site you are almost optimized. Of course there are a few little tricks you can do, but that is beyond this article.

Are all search engines the same?

In 2017 Google and Bing are the biggest names in search engines. However, other engines are not far behind. Other than Google my new favorite engine is DuckDuckGo! Their motto is “The search engine that doesn’t track you”. Other than not tracking data I love the bang! Feature. The bang feature is a search engine inside a search engine. What I mean by this is you can search inside of Amazon, eBay, and even social media right from duckduckgo’s main site. Here’s how it works: say you want to search Amazon for computers you type !amazon computers in the search box. It will then go to amazon and display computers as a result. Give it a try!

Do search engines display the same results?

This is like does a Ford run like a Chevy? They both get you from point A to B, but in reality they are different. This goes for search engines. They display search results but every engine does it in a different way. From how it looks, to the results it pulls. That is why when people do research they might use a few different search engines.

Learn more about Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, and the IT solutions they provide including IT consulting, computer consulting, network consulting, networking, server installation, IT disaster recovery, computer repair, virus removal, malware removal, computer tune ups, data backup systems, computer troubleshooting, structured cabling, low voltage wiring, website design, graphic design, logo design, website hosting, search engine placement, iphone app programming, android app programming, and custom programming at  To contact one of our IT experts call 810.224.5252 today or via email at

Why Do I Need a Good Website Design?

A good web design is a must for a any website. Most of the businesses have online presence but among these, a few have a good design. Web-development, though seems simple, it requires attention to detail. If you’re website is designed poorly, or above all, is developed on a stock WordPress theme, this is not going to give you optimum results. Here are the reasons you need a good design on your website.

  1. First Impression Lasts

No, this is not just a cliché. Just put yourself in the web-user’s shoes, learn their behavior. There are certain habits which are similar to most of the web users. A web user is not so different than a potential customer who has gotten a whiff about your store. A web user would just take a glance at a new page, skim through the text and open the link which seems interesting to him or her. He/she would not even look at most of the page. There is a pattern of an internet user’s behavior. Here it is:

  • People on internet go for credibility and quality. If they find low quality content, or something which does not conform to facts, they are pretty unlikely to return to your website again.
  • They would not read through your text. They will just analyze the web-page and find something which seems to be fulfilling their purpose to visit the site.
  • They don’t do the analysis by considering all the available options. They would just get the first reasonable information source. So, be the link which seems to be leading them to fulfillment of their purpose.
  1. You Are What You Show

Your potential client is going to look at you in the way you portray yourself. Your website is you, the client is interacting with you through your website so make sure that it leaves an impression. Also, a strong web-design adds legitimacy to your business, and people value authenticity.

  1. It Is Your Chance of Branding

Your website is your portal for public branding. You have the chance to tell people from all around the world about your company. It builds the image of your business, and a poorly built website is not going to leave a good impression of your business upon your potential clients. Your website should be telling people about what kind of brand are you; it should be reflecting the tone and mood of your business.

  1. A Good Web Design Brings People from All Devices

You must be aware of the fact that mobile users are increasing in figures like mammoth. So, during web-development, you should take care of the website’s design and make it responsive for all devices and screen sizes. Moreover, creating an app for your business can also help you look more credible.

Conclusively, as the web users are becoming more aware and sensible, it is imperative for the growth of your business to not just have a website, but a well-designed website.

Learn more about Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, and the IT solutions they provide including IT consulting, computer consulting, network consulting, networking, server installation, IT disaster recovery, computer repair, virus removal, malware removal, computer tune ups, data backup systems, computer troubleshooting, structured cabling, low voltage wiring, website design, graphic design, logo design, website hosting, search engine placement, iphone app programming, android app programming, and custom programming at  To contact one of our IT experts call 810.224.5252 today or via email at

Mistakes to Avoid in Search Engine Placement

Search engine algorithms are constantly updated, making SEO an ever expanding field.  If you want to give your website every chance of scoring a prominent place in the search engines you now have a lot more to do, and even more to remember.

It’s no wonder that many companies are bungling their SEO placement efforts and losing tons of money in the process. It’s time to learn how to do SEO right and stop making the mistakes that are tanking your earnings.

The extra work is worth it, as getting the top spot in the search engines will give your conversions a boost of around 8.5 times greater than any other lead generation method.

The single biggest mistake most businesses make with their website is not getting found for keywords related to their business. Another common mistake is getting found for the wrong keywords because they have failed to optimize their content.

One of the first steps to getting a first-page ranking is knowing what keywords to use in your copy or blog posts. Use the Google Keyword Tool to discover the keywords your target market is typing into the search engines to find out about the services or products related to your business.

When a website is new, you will often see better results by targeting long-tail keywords – which are keywords containing three or more words. Long tail keywords usually have fewer searches but also less competition, so it’s easier to rank a page.

You also need to know what keywords not to target. If you’re going to try and rank for every keyword, then you most likely aren’t going to rank for any of them.

Plus, if customers are finding your site for the wrong keywords they are going to ‘bounce’ off your site and go back to the search results to find a more relevant page.

As bounce rate is a metric Google puts a lot of emphasis on when deciding which page to rank for a given term you want the keywords your business gets found for to be super relevant to your content.

Search engine placement is a vast and ever-expanding topic, but keywords are integral to being found and securing highly targeted leads. Start improving your results by making sure your site is providing the best solution in relation to the keywords you are targeting.

Learn more about Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, and the IT solutions they provide including IT consulting, computer consulting, network consulting, networking, server installation, IT disaster recovery, computer repair, virus removal, malware removal, computer tune ups, data backup systems, computer troubleshooting, structured cabling, low voltage wiring, website design, graphic design, logo design, website hosting, search engine placement, iphone app programming, android app programming, and custom programming at  To contact one of our IT experts call 810.224.5252 today or via email at

Why is a Custom Coded Website better for SEO than a Template?

Search engine optimization, otherwise known as SEO, is very important to entrepreneurs who want to promote their business, obtain new clients, and retain current clients. SEO allows business owners to connect with potential clients searching for their products or services, helping to turn them into customers. Keywords, link building, updated content, trust, and more all helps to increase the visibility of a website and lead to a higher number of visitors to the website.

While it may not be straightforward or easy, implementing an effective SEO strategy, especially with recent updates to Google’s ranking algorithm, the Google Keyword Planner, and organic listings are all possible. It is important to determine how customers will search your website as well as how and what you must offer as optimized keywords on your landing page.

Depending on your product, a website design and layout is very important to the overall SEO process. There are two types of websites including: custom coded and templates.  Both types of websites have their pros and cons.

Many websites today are developed through a content management system, which allows companies to easily and quickly update their sites without technical support. The most popular CMS is WordPress.  It can easily be customized to fit a company’s needs and brand.

Custom coded websites are not created from a template instead are custom designed by a team of graphic designers and programmers from scratch.  These sites can be a bit more expensive and take a bit longer to develop.  A custom designed site can also be better for search engine optimization and placement of your website within search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

Custom Coded Website

  • Custom websites are built from scratch rather than from a box. Custom websites allow you to show your company’s culture and personality using a unique design. The design can be presented, revised, and built into a custom platform for your website.
  • A custom website is always expandable. Customized features are added to make your website more flexible and easier to manage.
  • Custom sites are up-to-date with SEO and code practices. This all helps to increase the longevity of the website.
  • You have access via your account to the support of skilled developers who code from scratch as well as troubleshoot and fix bugs that may arise on the site.

Website Template

  • Website templates are user-friendly. You can change the colors and the fonts but the layout is pretty much set-up for you.
  • You can always change the layout just to avoid other websites resembling yours.
  • Website templates are often plug and play and take a very short time to develop.
  • They are less expensive, especially for start-up companies that need a website up quickly and on a low budget.

Templates have limited customization, which is good for companies who simply need to s of website templates is that there is limited to virtually no access to skilled developers.  Templates are purchased online and will never gain you access to the person who built it.  This reason alone makes a custom website a better option.

Learn more about Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, and the IT solutions they provide including IT consulting, computer consulting, network consulting, networking, server installation, IT disaster recovery, computer repair, virus removal, malware removal, computer tune ups, data backup systems, computer troubleshooting, structured cabling, low voltage wiring, website design, graphic design, logo design, website hosting, search engine placement, iphone app programming, android app programming, and custom programming at  To contact one of our IT experts call 810.224.5252 today or via email at

Repairing your computer vs. replacing

One glance around in today’s culture and you can tell computers are a major part of daily living and functioning. We use computers for everything and we even carry tiny computers in our pockets which we refer to as smart phones.  So, when your computer goes down and needs to be fixed it’s a major issue. Should we simply toss out the old computer and purchase a new one or should you have your current computer repaired? Today, we look at some reasons why it would be more beneficial to just repair your computer rather than replace it.

  • The first thing to consider when deciding to replace or repair your computer is price. It’s like a car if it would cost more to fix the car than the car is worth we tend to junk the car and get a new one, your computer is the same way. If it will cost you more to repair the computer compared to purchasing a new one then you would obviously want to replace it not repair it.
  • The second consideration is age, how old is that computer anyways? If your computer is older than 7 years it might be high time to replace it. The traditional lifespan of a computer is between 3 and 7 years and a good thing to keep in mind is the price of your computer originally. Traditionally the more expensive your computer was to purchase the longer you can expect it to last. Technology and especially computers are constantly being upgraded and updated so if the broken computer is older than 7 years it might be a better option to replace it rather than repair it.
  • Software is licensed not owned so if you have special software on your current computer that may not be able to be transferred to a new computer then repairing your current computer would make more sense.

The decision really boils down to personal preference as well as that you will be using your computer for, having a computer repaired does tend to be cheaper than replacing it completely. Just keep in mind when you have your computer repaired to have it done by a professional because if you take your computer to someone who doesn’t really know what they are doing you run the risk of seriously causing harm to the system rather than helping or bettering it.

Some things to keep in mind when trying to find a reliable and skilled computer repair technician:

  • How long has the company been in business?
  • Are the technicians certified in computer repair services?
  • Do they have references that you can talk with?

These are just a few things to keep in mind when looking for a professional to repair your computer. Hopefully this has helped you not only decide whether to repair or replace your broken computer but also has given a little insight into who to select should your computer need repaired.

Computers Plus Service, in Brighton Michigan, provides a wide range of valuable services for residential computer repair as well as a variety of commercial computer services to the entire Livingston County area including Howell, Brighton and the surrounding areas.  You can find out more about the services offered by CPS at

The Difference Between Paid and Organic Online Marketing

Online marketing remains one of life’s little mysteries for business owners looking to expand upon their online presence.  Confusion basically stems from two general differences: paid advertising and organic search rankings.

Let’s start out by talking about paid advertising.  Paid search engine marketing refers to advertising in which a business pays for ad placement based upon a targeted search.

Google Adwords is the term most business owners are familiar with when discussing paid advertising.  However it is important to note that Google is the most widely used search engine other options are available when it comes to paid ads.  Both Bing and Yahoo offer paid ad services.  Google is the most used search engine and therefore paid ads places within the search and display networks associated with Google will cost more than those places within Yahoo or Bing.  You are paying more because more advertisers are using the service and more traffic is essentially viewing your ads.

Many companies with smaller advertising budgets choose to place their paid advertising dollars on smaller search engines such as Bing largely because the costs per person reached are much lower than with Google.  The main disadvantage is the decrease in users associated with the less known search engines.

When you company is looking into paid ads it is important to be realistic.  If your paid operating budget for a month is five hundred dollars and you are in a highly competitive market, for instance home improvement, law, pest management etc… then it may be best for you to use your paid advertising on search engines with lower ad costs such as Bing, Yahoo, Microsoft etc…  The competition will be lower, the ad costs will be less and the amount paid per click will be less expensive which goes along with the theory that fewer people are using these search engines;  less ad competition results in less expensive per click fees, while reaching targeted consumers.

If your operating budget is unlimited and you are seeking to reach the largest number of people without expense being a concern paid advertising with Google Adwords is ideal.  The number of people using Google as a search engine is higher than Yahoo, Bing, and Microsoft etc….  The competition within Google is greater because of the number of advertisers seeking to reach targeted consumers because of the popularity that Google offers as a search engine therefore the competition for higher ad space is greater leading to a more expensive per click cost.

In both scenarios companies are paying for their ad to be placed in front of potential consumers based on results from targeted search terms.  No matter what search engine is used a user searching for Pest Control will find ads at the top and down the right hand side of business that have bid on the keyword Pest Control.   Higher ad placement goes to those advertisers willing to spend more per click.  Paid advertising is a key element when looking for consumers who are actively seeking targeted business services.

Another service that is offered to clients that is crucial to online marketing success is SEO, otherwise known as search engine optimization.  SEO refers to the method in which a company reaches higher organic search rankings.  This service involves a variety of activities that work with your website to increase your site rankings on search engines when your services are being targeted through a consumers search.

The process of SEO is complicated and constantly evolving.  Search engines are constantly changing algorithms and their methods of placement to avoid companies looking for higher rankings through unsavory online activities.

A combination of methods to achieve the highest possible organic search results for clients possible without the risk of being blacklisted.  We use a combination of blog creation and management, social media integration including the creation and management of Facebook, Google Plus, Instagram, Twitter, press releases, video marketing, article marketing and more.  Most importantly we focus on the content of your website to ensure it is evolving as the company continues to.  Our web team also places a high value on the backend of your site ensuring that is search engine friendly meaning that search engines will understand exactly what it is that is being offered based on title tags, site descriptions and tags used in programming your site.

Online presence is more important now than ever before.  Out are the days of reaching for a phone book and looking up a certain key phrase in the yellow pages to find a business to meet your need. In are the days at having information at the touch of a button.  Your business must be present online to draw in and retain customers.  Consumers are looking for information on your business right then and there while they are ready to take action.  Your website, social media presence, blog updates, reviews and testimonials will all say a lot about your business.  SEO companies are here to help ensure the message they are receiving is the one that you want to be presenting.

Computers Plus Service, in Brighton Michigan, provides a wide range of valuable services for residential computer repair as well as a variety of commercial computer services to the entire Livingston County area including Howell, Brighton and the surrounding areas.  You can find out more about the services offered by CPS at