Google’s May 2020 Core Update Brings Substantial Volatility Spikes in SERPs

On May 4th, Google started its first day of a several week rollout initiative for its new core algorithm update. There have now been two core updates since 2020, the first one being in January. Both updates have been substantial with significant moves in website search engine placement ranks (SERPs) in nearly all industry verticals.

While January’s update only produced an average of 8 volatility points, a few days after the May 4th rollout, SERPs saw volatility rates from 9 to 9.4 points. Thus, the May 4th core update seems to be significantly more substantial and more influencing of SERPs and their positions. Broad core algorithm updates are designed to bring about noticeable changes within all search results across all countries and languages. We can only really know the full impact of the updates influence several weeks after the process has begun.

The coronavirus added another layer of intense SERP fluctuation as search volume was dramatically affected in nearly all industries due to the nationwide stay-at-home orders and mandated non-essential business shutdowns. We expected to see user queries related to travel, tourism, live events, restaurants, etc., to be significantly down. Not surprisingly, many of the category’s volatility did just that.

Unfortunately, this update’s highest impact has occurred across several industries that were already affected by the pandemic. The most influenced categories are Travel, Real Estate, Health, Pets & Animals, and People & Society – this is for both desktop and mobile searches. The top verticals with the best SERP performance are News, Business & Industrial, Online Communities, Arts & Entertainment, and Health. The biggest winner of these is the news industry. As everyone has been shut-in for quarantine and fixated on the latest pandemic updates, it’s no surprise that news outlets have come out on top.

On the other end of the SERP coin, websites that services and orchestrate travel and events have dropped to the bottom of the search volume barrel. When you’re locked in your home with limited options for essential services, your last thought is that vacation or trip you want to take. 

What can you do if your site has been negatively affected?

May 18th marked the last day of completion for the update and the following weeks will allow us to assess the full extent of the changes that have taken place. It’s important to review your Google Analytics (website traffic), to see if there have been any significant changes to your site traffic in May.

Keep in mind that negative ranking does not always indicate that something is wrong with your website. However, in case it does, Google offers a list of questions to consider if the core update has adversely impacted your site. Visit for more information. If you have seen a noticeable drop in traffic in the month of May, it is beneficial to read this article prior to making any website changes.

If you need assistance in improving your website and increasing your digital footprint and marketing, we are here to help! Our team of staff is locally employed, in-house, with a dedication to detail. Call Creative Programs and Systems; open Monday – Friday 9 am to 5 pm (810) 224-5252.

Affordable Ways to Market in the Digital Landscape

There are many digital marketing activities that can expand your brand’s presence and increase your visibility online. The most recognizable way to increase your brand’s search authority (non-digitally) is television, radio, billboards, and direct mail. However, these channels tend to be unaffordable for most small businesses. Below is a list of alternative marketing avenues that can create brand awareness at affordable prices.

  1. Remarketing – Is when display or text ads are shown to a user after they have visited a website. Remarketing ads are usually called “the walking billboard” and can be a great way to maximize your brand exposure without spending a fortune. 

2.      Social Media – Facebook is the 2nd most popular website in the world, with billions of logins every day; it just makes sense to get in front of this audience. The cost-per-click (CPCs) are significantly less expensive than Google search ads and can be highly effective in growing your brand, website traffic, and followers. 

3.      Webinars – Are a great way to feature your expertise to your prospects and can be very informative. They also allow you to connect with your audience in a way that cannot be done with any other vehicle. Webinars can later be used for social posts or advertising campaigns. 

4.      Email Marketing – Email is still a very powerful medium in today’s digital marketing world and is an excellent way to communicate with your customers. The good thing is that it is still relativity cheap to send out thousands of emails and strengthens customer loyalty.

As mentioned, there are many other types of traditional marketing strategies that a small business owner can partake in to expand their brand recognition. Still, they are typically cost-prohibitive and hard to track in terms of ROI. The digital marketing channels mentioned above are an excellent way to grow not only your digital footprint but also your customer base at affordable prices. 

If you are interested in learning how we can help you expand your online presence, or if you have questions regarding Digital Marking, give the professionals at CPS a call. Our team of staff is employed locally, in-house, with a dedication to detail.

Creative Programs and Systems, open Monday – Friday from 9 am to 5 pm (810)224-5252.

How We Can All Help During COVID-19

COVID-19 has forever changed the U.S. and the world. Even though these current times may seem isolating and somewhat distressing, we can still help our fellow friends and family members. Our state and local community patrons could use our help too.

Here are several ways we can all help:

For Michigan:

The COVID-19 Community Response Fund: Hosted by United Way in partnership with corporate, nonprofit, and foundation entities. This fund will allow you to rapidly deploy resources to community-based organizations that are offering emergency relief to families and individuals in need within the southeastern Michigan areas. Learn More.

Become a Michigan Medical Volunteer: If you are a qualified health professional or related to the health industry, Michigan could use your help. If you are willing to support Michigan’s efforts in volunteering, go to  to complete your registration. The state does not guarantee positions for any medical personnel, but they will contact you should the need arise.

CDC Foundation: The CDC Foundation Supports the critical health protection work of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC Foundation is raising emergency response funds to enable the CDC to conduct its responses to COVID-19. Learn More.

For Your Local County:

The American Red Cross: Due to the cancellation of blood drives, the American Red Cross faces severe blood shortages and could use your donation. Call 1-800-RED-CROSS to find a local donation site. Go here to learn how you can help.

Local Food Banks: People more than ever before are at risk for hunger due to this pandemic. Most school districts are continuing their breakfast and lunch programs, which disperses food to children who qualify even while school is closed. Local food pantries are available in almost every county. Go here to find one near you.

Reach Out: We could all use a pick-me-up, especially during these times, and a personal phone call can go a long way in cheering someone up. So, pick up the phone and make that call!

Michigan and the United States may be reaching the peak of the outbreak, but our job as caring human beings has just begun. We can do this, and a little help can go a long way!

Digital Marketing Remains Influential During the Covid-19 Outbreak

The coronavirus continues to spread worldwide, causing panic and uncertainty for everyone as we deal with the pandemic. With health and safety remaining a top concern during this time, people continue to stay home and avoid commuting to work and going to stores, restaurants, and other public places. Customers are now secluded to their homes, spending more time on their computers and phones than ever before.
In-store foot traffic has almost completely disappeared, which is why digital marketing may be the best answer to business advertising options. According to this article, businesses and brands that are e-commerce based will most likely do better than traditional brick-and-mortar companies. As many of us are working from home, our shopping habits will start to develop into more online-based buying patterns that could stay with us even after the pandemic.
Online retailers and marketers need to use proper tools, knowledge, and strategies to meet customer expectations effectively. As the pandemic continues to change elements of our life daily, your marketing team must also be ready to act quickly when new obstacles come into this unstable business environment.

Working from Home Remotely – What You Need to Know

The ability to work remotely outside of the office has been obtainable for a few decades; however, this technology has become more mainstream in today’s work society. Employers are finding it easier to allow their employees to work remotely as they discover it’s relatively simple to set up remote access with only a computer and internet connection.

Many corporations have continued to grow with the acceptance of remote positions available. Although this technology is still a new concept to many, some may find it intimidating. Consulting with a professional can make this process much simpler.

Using a VPN Connection

A VPN (virtual private network) is a standard component within remote access solutions.  A VPN allows remote users to establish a secure connection within a computer network. It functions by using a public network (typically an internet connection) to connect remote sites. Virtual connections are then routed from a company’s private network or a third-party security service provider to users of the system.

Private data can be transmitted across unknown networks without the worry of a security breach within a company’s internal data or assets. A VPN connection is initiated by a remote user logging into a corporate server and then confirming details based on the security information provided by either a password, IP address, or SSL certificate.

Using Remote Desktop Applications

Another option that allows for remote access is third-party software programs specializing in remote technology. This software is designed for virtually accessing your work computing equipment. There are many companies online that offer software downloads with security options and additional features.  However, it is best to consult with an IT professional when considering software options for your company’s needs. Consulting with a professional will ensure that the correct security features are properly integrated and installed within your company’s infrastructure.

Creative Communications

One disadvantage of working remotely can be the lack of face-to-face interaction that is present in an office atmosphere. Having the right technology installed can overcome this obstacle and offers enormous benefits. Video conferencing technology has become a great tool to reincorporate the human element of working remotely. Scheduling daily or weekly video calls to see your colleagues can help boost productivity and morale. As discussed previously, there are many third-party software applications to make life easier when working remotely.  However, it is advised to speak with an IT consultant before installing any remote applications to your infrastructure.

Creative Programs and Systems is an all-inclusive tech company that specializes in Custom DevelopmentManaged IT Services, and Digital Marketing.  All work is done in-house. We never outsource services from custom server builds and workstations, custom software programming, and phone app development, to search engine optimization and paid advertising, our professionals provide results.  For more information on CPS, check out our website at

Working Remotely During the COVID-19 Outbreak

With the recent news of the coronavirus, state officials have asked companies to allow their employees to continue their work remotely from home (if possible), to lessen the spread of the highly contagious illness. Many businesses are heavily dependent on technology and the use of computers, so working remotely for many companies can be effective with the right tools and plans in place. In this article, Stanford employees address several helpful tips on how to work from home effectively during this time of crisis. Although this article mentions this for Stanford specifically, most of the context can apply to any business that will allow remote connection. Helpful tips that you will find include getting approval, using the right software applications for remote access (VPN), phone forwarding, and more.

Inventor of Copy and Paste Function Dies

Inventor Larry Tesler has passed away, but his name will always have great importance in the computer technology milestones for making computers “user-friendly.” In 1961 he went to Stanford University as many other well-known computer engineers such Bill Hewlett, Dave Packard, Larry Page, and Sergey Brin had attended as well. He developed the copy/cut and paste function in the 1970s that’s is now so widely known with those who work with computers every day.
Read more about similar computing inventions here. Other significant computer-related breakthroughs were email and the first ball-mouse, both developed in the 1960s – 1970s. There is no question that we have come a long way since the first keyboard commands, email, and computer mice. Ironically enough, what seems like a breakthrough in revolutionary technologies today (virtual reality, blockchain applications, and 5G mobile technology) will be comparable to the first computer mouse in the 1960s within a few decades!

It’s Been 9 Years Since Google Unleashed the First Panda Algorithm Update

Monday, February 24th marked the 9-year anniversary that Google unleashed the first Panda algorithm update. On February 24th, 2011, the Google update – later known as Panda, rocked the SEO world. Highly regarded as one of the most significant algorithm updates in the history of Google, the Panda update drastically changed the SEO landscape and how Google deems a website (and page) to be relevant in search results.

According to this article from Search Engine Land, 12% of Google’s search results were drastically changed on that cold day in 2011. Google made it clear in the SEO space that they aimed to drop sites that had “low quality” and “shallow” content. The change had a significant impact on a lot of sites making money and relying on organic traffic as their bread-and-butter.

In fact, Google used to run Panda updates quite frequently during that period. The aim was to hit new websites (several times) that didn’t fit into the new standards of how Google qualified useful sites and quality content. As Google kept running the Panda algorithm over questionable or low-quality sites, their rankings would drop lower and lower – eventually making a low-quality site become “unsearchable.” Now, Panda is a part of the core ranking algorithm and Google does not run standalone updates for Panda anymore.

One of the main things that Panda ended up influencing was how website owners approached their site structure and wrote content for their pages. It forced website owners to not focus on keywords and dubious ranking strategies (grey/black hat SEO) to manipulate Google’s ranking factors. Website owners and content creators now had to take the emphasis off ranking strategies and more on quality, original content, and user experience.

What Does an ADA Compliant Website Mean?

You might have heard the term ADA Compliant, referencing the federal Americans with Disabilities Act, which was signed into law under the first George Bush in 1990. The bill was enacted to prohibit discrimination against those with physical disabilities to ensure fair and equal access (or accommodation thereof) to public places. Initially, the focus was on eliminating barriers and providing access for all, to all businesses, schools, and public areas. Recently, “Places of Public Accommodation” under Title III of ADA, has come under scrutiny as to whether or not websites and mobile apps are included within these laws.

The Threat of ADA Non-Compliance

Websites with significant inaccessible components can be seen as discriminatory against persons with disabilities. In the recent past, there has been an influx of lawsuits threatening the disbarment of schools, health care providers, and agencies that accept government funds for operation. These litigations have scared a lot of businesses and municipalities to update their website and make them ADA compliant, sometimes falling victim to online extortionists who charged an obscene amount of money by taking advantage of people’s fears of a lawsuit. 

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

While standards were provided for businesses to accommodate those with physical handicaps, we are still waiting for confirmed guidance for the internet, web-based, and mobile applications. In the meantime, guidelines have been established and are frequently referred to in court. 

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) who develops international web standards, originally came up with recommendations in 1999 called Web Content Accessibility Guidelines or WCAG 1. As the web and digital technology expanded, WCAG 2 was released in 2008, which also widen the range of people with disabilities it serves to include those who are blind, deaf, learning and cognitively disabled, and those with limited mobility. WCAG 2.1 was released in 2018 to fill in the gaps further and includes mobile responsiveness and other guidelines for those who suffer from poor vision. Both WCAG 2 and 2.1 have valuable principles that every business owner should abide by; however, the 2.0 version is considered a baseline for accessibility, and the 2.1 version should be used as your testing standard to improve usability for all. FYI…Another round of updates is already in the works, known as “Silver” or WCAG 3.

Grey Area in ADA Website Compliance 

Courts have come to varying conclusions whether coverage is limited to physical spaces and whether a company’s website is included in these requirements. Currently, neither Congress nor the Department of Justice (the primary federal government agency responsible for enforcing ADA) has adequately clarified the scope of ADA in terms of website accessibility compliance for private companies. While WCAG 2, Level AA (the success criteria level that most courts generally rely on) is frequently referenced in litigation, some courts have interpreted Title III of the ADA to include websites as public domains that should be accessible to all, while others have not. There seems to be no ADA web-based standard for private entities and for companies who employ less than 15 people; especially, for states like Michigan, who have yet to adopt legislation governing website compliance. 

Perks of Being ADA Compliant

The most significant incentive for meeting compliance is knowing that you have done all that you could to be fair and opportunistic for all people, no matter their skill level. It’s just good business practice to have an online presence that can be received by all. Also, the WCAG guidelines have a lot of great suggestions to help make your website read and look better to the end-user, which, if it is engaging to visitors, the longer they remain on your site will essentially increase your sales. Another consideration in becoming ADA compliant is that we, Creative Programs and Systems (CPS), study the trends of Search Engine Optimization and predict that compliance will soon be a ranking factor for organic SERP placement. SERP is the natural placement of your business listing when queried in search engines, not paid advertisements. It’s a win-win!

There are no automatic or instant solutions available from a widget or a plugin to make your website ADA compliant. Updating your website to become ADA compliant is a process and you can start by breaking down sections of your website to make it more manageable. But, really getting a head start is something and CPS can help get you there. It boils down to having proper, clean coding and best practices in software development from a professional team of programmers who can interpret federal and state policies and deliver a product that not only meets compliance but is also modern and informative. If you seek to obtain a reputable website developer, such as CPS, to ensure full compliance with WCAG 2.1, contact us today. CPS also provides Managed IT services, SEO and digital marketing, and customized programming and software that meets your needs. To learn more, visit

Coronavirus Strikes Fear Causing New Computer Virus

The Coronavirus continues to spread throughout the world and now a new computer virus is dispersing because of it through online circuits. IBM X-Force and Kaspersky have found that hackers are sending spam emails to people under the disguise of information related to Coronavirus in hopes of infecting users’ computers and smartphones. The emails are sent with urgent titles to people in Japan, and they think soon to other countries, including the U.S., saying that the country has been taken over by the infection and to click to open and read more. It is common for hackers to use current events with enticing verbiage to get a person to open, download, or click attachments to gain people’s private information. Hackers also track the open and click rates inside each email campaign to obtain information on a select group so they can reproduce the scams that perform best for them. Read the article to learn helpful tips that can keep you protected against these attacks.